Meet the Characters

Layrion is the third child of Dicion and Elysia. Before her birth, the Seers had predicted that she would be born the third son of the two Elders, but an affliction had affected her mother, changing the destiny of the child. Layrion is considered the more battle trained sister, spending most her free time honing her skills with various warriors from across the land. Unlike her sister, she detest the court life and wearing clothing that is considered proper for her station. More comfortable with blades, she leaves the politics to Ammy. In her early life, she is convinced that Humans are unworthy of consideration, and should be subdued for Icchorians everywhere to find peace. She wants to find a way to peace that isn’t through prophecy.
Author Notes ~
Layrion’s Beast form is based off a lion, so her armor was designed to reflect that a bit, with the placement of the fur. She is the one who makes use of her claws in battle the most, so they do not hold as much lavish decoration as some others. In battle she covers her green eye with a heavy mask, and will not take it off no matter the situation. When the rare occurrence happens that Ammy can convince Layrion to wear court clothing, she prefers lighter silks that flow about her, so as not to restrict her movement. She is quite proud of her scars from battle and believes that hiding them is a sign of weakness.

Yggdrasil is a powerful Seer, who has no allegiance to a Clan when he meets the sisters. Not much is known about where he came from, or who his parents were, but that does not seem to keep his spirits down. He is friendly and openly honest to those around him, and never misses an opportunity to joke or prank others. Before meeting the sisters, Drasil (as he likes to be known as) traveled from village to village, performing and offering his services to others of his kind to make a living. He is very skilled in fire dancing, and has built a reputation on it. His power that defines him is based on his sight, as such he was born blind. Instead he has come to strengthen his other senses, having exceptional hearing and sense of smell.
Author Notes ~
Yggdrasil’s Beast form is that of a bird, and it is reflective in his showy personality and the crests upon his armor. He has a preference for royal blue’s in his choice of Seer clothing, and will take any opportunity to wear it to accent his own natural hair color. His eyes are to be a mystery, so blindfolds have become one of his defining features. In armor he was a golden plate that has been fitted to his face to cover his eyes, which he has had to wear so long, that he now has two scar indentations where the plate rests. He has no idea that these scars are there. When not at war, Yggdrasil likes to show off his toned dancer’s body.

Ammy is the fourth child of Dicion and Elysia, and sister to Layrion. She admirers her sister more than any other person in her life, and will do anything to support her. Her extensive skill in literature and tactics means that she is often the one to come up with strategies that propels Layrion’s ideals forward, and she is not afraid to give her sister the push she needs to get there. Often it is Ammy that will state the unspoken, and will take no mercy in getting rid of those who would dare challenge them. Others would describe her as very unfeeling, her expression often stoic in every situation.Her role within the Clan is that of Navigator, guiding them as they travel and making sure to thoroughly research any danger present to them.
Author Notes ~
Ammy’s Beast form of that of a snake, and it reflects in not only her weapon choice of a whip, but to her biting personality as well. She was designed to have an upright appearance and an elegant silhouette when compared to the others. She wears a combat dress, believing that even in the heat of battle you should reflect the calm and poise of your station. Underneath the skirt however, is a heavy chainmail skirt. Even in peace, she will don skirts and dresses that are made of heavier and often restricting materials, in order to maintain her distinguished image. She prefers purple, but will accent it with her sister’s color of red.

Rune is the only son of Marith Eindride, and the sole heir to the position of Elder in his clan. He is sent out by his father to server under the command of Lord Francisco, when his plans are derailed. Rune is reluctant to follow the two sisters in their journey across the war torn land. He has a very low opinion of Humans, believing them inferior in every way, and that they should worship the Icchorians as the supreme race. He obsessively researches for ways for his kind to be able to walk in the sunlight, and will stop at nothing to take that privilege from Humanity. His pride is second to none, and he views his service to the sisters as a favor to them. Many underestimated him when he was younger, only to be crushed by his sheer will and temperment.
Author Notes ~
Rune’s Beast form is that of a Dragon, and this is reflected in his armor design, with many of the pieces resembling spikes that are in his Beast form. Rune is very short, even in comparison to the others of his home Clan, and this has led to his short temper at constantly having to defend himself from those who would wish to remove him from his position in the Clan. Every scar Rune received in battle is viewed as an uncontrolled circumstance, so he decides to take control and ink the skin once it has sufficiently healed. In this way, he has taken control of it, and created something with meaning to his personal experiences.

Akil is surrounded in mystery but most know that he has been around longer than any other Elder that sits on the Council. He does not hold a position on the Council, but his words is considered above all others. Most know that he has a home in the Southern lands, and a large portion of Icchorians that live there are loyal to him with their lives. He holds to tradition, and reached out to raise the two daughters of Dicion as his own. Most consider him distant but kind, and he is wrapped in more questions than answers. Some even say he is able to go out into the sun.
Author Notes ~
Akil is intimidating and very different than any other Icchorian alive. His long black hair is a part of older Icchorian tradition, and his gold pieces are a bit dated. His dark skin is unheard of for an Icchorian, and no explanation has ever been provided by the mysterious Icchorian for what allows him to keep his dark complexion. We wanted Akil to be striking and visually overwhelming in design, soaked in a tradition.